






"Hungary and Poland are two eternal oaks. Each of them shot up a separate and distinct trunk, but their roots widely scattered in the ground are intertwined and knitted invisibly. Hence the existence and vigor of one is the condition of the other's life and health."

With these words, Stanislaw Worcell, nineteenth-century Polish political activist and journalist, described the specific nature of bond which unites Poles and Hungarians.

In the history of Europe it is a unique phenomenon. Repeated time after time, functioning in Polish and Hungarian, a popular saying about our relationship contains a lot of truth. For centuries, our nations combined affinities of royal families, struggled for common ideals, resistance to totalitarian rule. Interestingly, it appears that mutual amity between these two nations is both the result of political ambition and widely shared feeling of citizens.

The mutual positive attitude of our nations can be proved by the unanimous adoption of a resolution on the establishment 23rd of March Day of Polish-Hungarian Friendship by the Polish Sejm and the Parliament of the Republic of Hungary in 2007. This is important from the viewpoint of shaping our modern partnership. The event is celebrated alternately in Poland and Hungary. In 2011, the honor to host the participants of this prestigious meeting, fell in the share of Poznań.

The idea of annual event aimed at renewing and reviving Polish-Hungarian contacts was born in Györ which is twinned with Poznań. In 2006, during the Congress of Polish and Hungarian twin cities in Györ, where met the presidents and representatives of the governments of Hungary and Poland. The monument of friendship between two nations was veiled and Polish-Hungarian Historical Society of Piłsudski in Györ submitted a written proposal for Polish and Hungarian presidents.

The possibility of organizing this year's celebration of Friendship Day in Poznań is an honor granted for good cooperation of our city with the Hungarian partner. Györ representatives are regularly present in the Poznan International Fair of Books for Children and Youth, Tour Salon, John's Market (Jarmark Świętojański). In 2010, representatives of Poznań participated in Györ in the festival "The Magic of Baroque", the International Children's Olympiad, and at the International Exhibition of Books.

The official celebration of the Friendship Day will be held on the 23rd of March, but Hungary and its culture will be hosted in Poznań from the 17th of March. Main celebrations of the Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day will be accompanied by a number of side events. Various attractions await for the lovers of our country's "nephews" and the people who just begin to discover the richness of the Magyars' heritage. Up to 28th of March theatrical performances, debates, scientific sessions, an overview of the Hungarian movie, workshops, concerts, exhibitions, culinary presentations will be held
Traditionally, the Hungarian and Polish presidents, representatives of governments from both countries, NGOs, academic institutions and associations of Polish minority take part in the ceremony. The Day of Polish-Hungarian Friendship is also a celebration of the inhabitants of Poznań. We invite you to participate in the interesting program and we wish you many extraordinary meetings and discussions dealing with our common history, culture and present.

 We trust that in the year of Hungarian and Polish Presidency of the EU Council, Poznań's meeting of representatives of both countries with the highest authorities of the state will contribute to the consolidation of solidarity between our two cities, regions and countries.