Savoir - Vivre in Poland

Poznan University of Technology LLL& International Education Office invites on free workshop "Savoir - Vivre in Poland".

Savoir - Vivre in Poland - grafika artykułu
Savoir - Vivre in Poland

Savoir-vivre is a French expression which literally means "knowing how to live", and it encompasses all the good manners and etiquette rules. In most Western countries the rules are fairly similar but there are always interesting national differences! There is a saying: when in Rome do as the Romans do. The saying also applies to Poland and it is important to know how ot behave in the country in which you live in.

When in Poland:

Should you kiss someone on the cheek when you meet?

Should you kiss a woman on the hand?

How to give flowers?

How to behave well by the table?

Who should walk where on the street?

The answer to those and many more questions will be answered by Rafał Staniszewski an expert from the Regional Center of International Debate in Poznań, who conducted several dozens of trainings regarding savoir-vivre and diplomatic protocol.

When: 9th April at 5.30 pm

Where: Poznan University of Technology, PUT Lecture Center, Poznan, Piotrowo Street 2, room no. 123.

The workshop is a joint intitiative of Regional Center of International Debate and LLL & International Office of PUT