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Gleams of Freedom - Exhibition

06.03 – 31.05.2019
Bilety darmowe

Gleams of Freedom is a display of stereoscopic photographs from World War I, a time immediately before Poland recovered its statehood after more than a century of bondage.

This series of photographs showing the war, city views and historic events comprises a record of a by-gone era which will not only entertain but also educate the visitor.

Read more: Gleams of freedom - an exhibition in the Poznań Fotoplastykon

  • Gleams of freedom - an exhibition in the Poznań Fotoplastykon
  • 6 March to 31 May; opening hours: Monday - Friday 10 am - 7 pm, Saturday 10 am - 5 pm, Sunday closed, last admission 1 hour before closing time
  • tickets: regular admission - 5 pln, reduced admission - 2 pln, family tickets - 10 pln, group tickets (groups of 10 or more) - 20 pln
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