PUT around the world-Intercultural Café-online

During the next meeting of PUT around the world-Intercultural cafe, we will talk about virtual trips and share interesting facts about our countries.

PUT around the world-Intercultural Café-online - grafika artykułu
PUT around the world-Intercultural Café-online

When?: 28.01.2021 (Thursday) at 7:00 p.m.
Where?: online
Topic: Virtual trip to my country

The meeting will be host on the PUT platform - eMeeting:

Language of the meeting: ENGLISH

Do you miss holidays already? Would you like to visit some beautiful places abroad? Let's share interesting facts about our countries, countries where we arleady were or countries, where we would like to visit!

We will talk about our countries, what the weather is currently, how we should be prepare to go there. What can be surprising for foreigners, what we should to learn before coming.

It will be a great opportunity to get to know each other and to go for online holidays to different countries.

We really encourage you to take part of our conversation and also to share some pictures/presentation.

"PUT around the world - Intercultural Café" is an initiative proposed by the International Relations Office of Poznan University of Technology. The Intercultural Café aimed at integrating the academic community, cultural exchange, enlargement awareness about Poland among foreign students and awareness about the countries of origin of foreign students from the Poznan University of Technology.

Meetings are organized every month, concern different topics and are dedicated to both, polish and international students of Poznan University of Technology and universities in Poznan, as well as employees of the Poznan University of Technology.

During pandemic time we had to change the form to online meetings although it is a great platform to meet and share experiences

Meet PUT students from the whole world!

Don't miss it! See you there!

Participation in the event is tantamount to consent to the free use of the participant's image by the Poznan University of Technology, recording them in print and electronic, in whole or in part, reproduction, publication in the journal "Głos Politechniki" or other University publications and dissemination, including the introduction to computer memory, publishing on social media and on PUT website - put.poznan.pl.

The programme is co-financed from the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Knowledge, Education, Development, a non-competitive project entitled Increasing competencies of the academic staff and the institutions' potential to receive people from abroad - Welcome to Poland implemented under the Measure defined in the application for co-financing of the project No POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18.