Jan Kasprowicz Park

The park is situated in the Łazarz district, between the streets: Reymonta, Wyspiańskiego, Jarochowskiego and Chociszewskiego and covers an area of 9.3 ha. It was created in the years 1936-39. During the occupation the Germans, who had plans to transfer the zoological garden here, devastated the park. In the early 60's the area was cleaned up and new trees and shrubs were planted. Today inside the park there is an indoor sports arena - cum - concert hall called "Arena", a stadium belonging to "Energetyk" sports club and an outdoor swimming pool. On the edge of the park, close to the corner of the streets Jarochowskiego and Niegolewskich a stone obelisk was erected in 1967 featuring a relief of the face of J. Kasprowicz made by Edward Haupt.