Polish Cafe - Polish for internationals

How to quickly meet new people and help foreigners learn Polish? The answer may be the "Polish Cafe" - an original Poznań project under the honorary patronage of Mayor Jacek Jaśkowiak.

Photo shows a group of people at a table, talking, pointing at something with pens, a young woman in the center - grafika artykułu
The meetings take place every two weeks, on Fridays, at 6 p.m. in the Pora Dnia Cafe at 15/1 Różana St. / photo: Polish Cafe

The concept of "Polish Cafe" is simple: bring together in one place foreigners who are learning Polish and Poles who want to meet new people and become guides to their culture. The idea came from the founders of the Polish for you language school: Karolina Sołtowska and Justyna Gola.

- We wanted to create a place where foreigners could speak Polish freely," explains Karolina Sołtowska, methodological director of Polish For You, university lecturer and teacher of Polish as a foreign language. - Contrary to what may seem, they do not have many opportunities to do so on a daily basis as Poles usually speak to them in English. So we want to give guests from other countries a chance to converse in Polish, and invite Poles to discover other people and cultures.

The meetings take place every two weeks, on Fridays, at 6 p.m. in the Pora Dnia Cafe at 15/1 Różana St. During the "Polish Cafe" foreigners not only learn Polish but also get to know Polish culture. The talks bring people together, break stereotypes and eliminate prejudices.
The next meeting will take place tomorrow, April 22nd.

In order to take part in meetings, you do not have to register in advance, you also do not have to speak a foreign language.

- It is enough to want to talk in Polish," stresses Karolina Sołtowska. - At the beginning of each meeting we explain its most important principles. We give hints to those who need support, we help to match interlocutors. Everyone is welcome.