How does the modern services sector work and recruit during a pandemic? Part 2.

Poznań companies from the modern services sector are great at conducting remote recruitment and implementing new employees. Employees of Allegro, Capgemini Software Solutions Center, Carlsberg Shared Services, GSK, GFT, Franklin Templeton, John Deere, MAN Shared Services Center, Miele, O-I Global Business Services (GBS), Nordcloud, Sii told us how these processes take place in their companies.

Business services sector works from home - grafika artykułu
Business services sector works from home

John Deere

We have introduced a temporary "hiring freeze" since last week because our global management had to review business expenses during a pandemic. We consider it an "intelligent hiring feeze", which means that we are still recruiting for critical positions, but the level of acceptance has been raised to the highest level of John Deere management. We believe that the situation will change soon and we will be able to continue our growth path.

We plan employment in the areas of finance, supply management, HR, customer service and IT department. We've already hired several new employees online via Skype.

New employees who started work on April 1, appeared at a short meeting in the office to receive the necessary documents and IT equipment, while ensuring the safety of all employees during this meeting.

Because the team of new employees consisted of 6 employees, we divided them into two groups at different meetings to keep physical distance. Employees received contracts and other necessary documents to sign, laptops and instructions from colleagues in the IT department. After equipping them with IT equipment, the new employees returned home and on the same day received virtual training in health and safety and the first part of onboarding training.

In the first week, we've planned Skype meetings to complete trainings and provide virtual meetings with direct managers. Many of our internal trainings have long been online. Our office is open, so employees can also come to the office and receive mail. In this case, we ensure proper office preparation (cleaning / disinfection) and maintaining physical distance between our employees. Most of our colleagues, however, chose effective work from home, which we support!

MAN Shared Services Center

14 people - this is the amount of new employees we welcomed at MAN Shared Services Center in April 2020! Congratulations to all new people who have successfully passed the remote recruitment process; meanwhile, we invite everyone who would like to learn more about development opportunities in MAN SSC.

Join us - during remote recruitment we invite candidates for discussion (by phone and via Skype) about the scope of responsibilities, mutual expectations for cooperation and offered conditions and benefits. All without leaving your home. J

Onboarding! - after successful completion of the remote recruitment process - time for online onboarding. Thanks to the effective cooperation of several company departments, as the first steps in this process our Trainers present the company's work from basics. New employees will become familiar with the MAN product portfolio, company strategy and processes at MAN SSC; they also undergo Compliance and Health and Safety training. They have the opportunity to talk to the IT and HR department and get answers to all their questions.

My new job - the next step is onboarding on-the-job, during which each new person gets acquainted with his team and begins to learn and perform processes under the guidance of a dedicated Implementation Supervisor and Team Leader. We provide both written and video materials, we organize calls with the team every day and discuss important issues while enjoying our morning coffee. J All this also in "home office' mode.

99% online - this amount of our employees currently performs their tasks in the "home office' mode. If you would like to learn more about us, we invite you to read about the currently open vacancies and other info at: or on our LinkedIn profile:


For the time being, recruitment at Miele is exclusively through Skype. We are currently looking for candidates for SAP Business Analyst and SAP Consultant positions. How many people we employ depends on how many interesting candidates we meet, the possibilities are considerable. We are waiting for your applications!

Recruitment to our company is in most cases one-stage, mainly based on a fairly free conversation with the candidate to check his previous experience, motivation to work or approach to life. For our part, we try to familiarize the candidates with the specifics of our business (the group and our local Miele Global Services). We present the company's offer, describe benefits, rules related to working time, currently accepted form of cooperation. Team Leader of a given team tells in detail how the work in the department looks like, what competences are important to us, who we are looking for.

Then we go to the part with questions addressed to the candidate, we ask about previous experience, participation in previous projects, motivation related to changing jobs. If the candidate is just starting his career, we focus more on his potential or attitude to future work.

The online meeting lasts about 60 minutes. There is not much difference compared to the previous form of meetings. Unless we consider the time that the candidate previously allocated to reach Pastelowa Street, where our office is located.

In the case of SAP positions, for which we are currently intensively recruiting, we are also planning an additional recruitment stage, i.e. a conversation with our colleagues from the headquarters
in Germany.

We also implement work online (Skype, Microsoft Teams, etc.). A new employee appears in the office only for a moment on the first day to pick up the equipment. We plan to visit in such a way as to minimize the number of contacts with other people. Unusual times require creative solutions - for new employees we have prepared, e.g. a virtual walk around our new office. Let them at least in this way catch their first emotional contact with the new company.

O-I Global Business Services (GBS)

Conducting recruitment processes in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic involves the need to overcome many barriers. This is a serious challenge for both the HR department and candidates. The O-I Global Business Services (GBS) HR department has implemented solutions that allow us to conduct efficient recruitment interviews and verify the best candidates. We have also developed an effective model of remote implementation of new employees to the company.

In the current epidemiological situation, we are forced to make more cautious business decisions. Recruitment for some positions is suspended until further notice. At the moment O-I Global Business Services (GBS) has a number of vacancies; we recruit primarily for key positions from the point of view of maintaining the liquidity of our business processes. O-I Global Business Services (GBS) is a very attractive employer, so job offers published by us are very popular.


Remote mode is not foreign to us at Nordcloud. We implement many international projects in #remote mode and now we use this habit with even greater power. Now we are only strengthening the culture of remote work. We conduct recruitments online, through video calls. We use Slack, we've created new group channels including global # virtual-coffee. There, we arrange with the help of the Donut application for virtual coffees with 3-4 people from the entire company. Random and regular. It's fun.:) You can talk to those we haven't even met yet, after all there are over 450 people. We also exchanged photos of what our home offices look like.

In Poland, we have implemented a daily, virtual coffee at a fixed time, everyone has an invitation on the calendar and joins whenever possible. Interestingly, we are not talking about work or covidia at all, during our informal 30 minutes.:) There are bands that initiated beer-oniline so they meet on selected evenings, almost traditionally.:) This coming Friday, our women employees organize
a similar Ladies formula -night.

We have just been joined by 8 new people from different locations (Bytom, Gdańsk, Warsaw, Wrocław) and that means remote onboarding.:) The global part, which is our standard, regardless of the virus, we described here: global-induction /

We manage and a lot of tools come to the rescue, which we use on a daily basis: Trello, G-Suite, Zoom.;) And our determination!

News -> This month we reached 115 employees;)

We recruit for the positions:

1. Azure Cloud Architect:

2. Cloud Cost Analyst:

3. Office Coordinator:


Sii's infrastructure was designed with the assumption of remote work for all employees, and for over 6 months, thanks to the implementation of cloud tools and investment in bandwidth, we are prepared for the current situation.

At Sii, we use the capabilities of Office 365. All employees can:

- conduct virtual meetings;
- use all tools used on a daily basis - CRM system, BI reports, tools of the Office suite, Intranet Portal and many others;
- edit and exchange files online;
- reach any data.

At Sii, we are also prepared for remote recruitment. Our job offers are available at: The recruitment interview will also take place online, and if we invite you to work in Sii, a courier will provide you with the contract and the necessary equipment. You will start working in remote mode and meet new colleagues in the same way.


Comment from Experis on IT recruitment:

Many companies from the IT industry have been successfully implementing recruitment processes remotely and provides the opportunity to work in home office for a long time. However, there are organizations for which this is new and the current situation requires them to completely reorganize their mode of operation.

For the recruitment and onboarding processes to be effective, it is important to have adequate technological facilities, for example access to applications that allow you to have good quality video calls. In addition, one of the important stages of recruitment is the technical knowledge test. Companies are trying to create the right tools that give the candidate the opportunity to do it at home and guarantee a potential employer that it was solved completely by itself.

One of the challenges for employers is also the onboarding process, because for many people it is important to learn about the company's organizational culture by integrating with the people who create it. Here, solutions that provide employees with access to the knowledge base and training in the form of video conferencing come in handy.