ROCKWOOL GBS: Seven years of growth, excellence, and Scandinavian work culture

ROCKWOOL Group is a global leader in the production of solutions made from stone wool. The first factory was established in Hedehusene, Denmark, in 1937. Over the years, ROCKWOOL has expanded its product portfolio, opened additional factories and offices in new locations. In Poland, ROCKWOOL made its debut in 1993, and in 2016, the company opened the ROCKWOOL GBS Competency Center in Poznań, providing comprehensive support in finance, IT, research and development, engineering, procurement, marketing as well as HR services. As the organization grew, the company decided to expand its presence to another location - Warsaw, where another office was opened in 2022."The center is now celebrating its 7th anniversary, making it the perfect time to reflect on its achievements.

ROCKWOOL GBS center is now celebrating its 7th anniversary - grafika artykułu
ROCKWOOL GBS center is now celebrating its 7th anniversary

In contrast to the ROCKWOOL Group's extensive 80-year legacy and ROCKWOOL Poland's 30-year presence, ROCKWOOL GBS may appear as a relative newcomer. What started with a modest group of financial service providers has blossomed into a thriving community of team of around 450 proficient professionals. Among others, our colleagues in ROCKWOOL GBS include engineers designing machines for our factories; software and IT specialists developing automation and mobile applications for the business and its customers; procurement specialists providing support for purchasing and tenders; graphic designers creating imagery, animations and videos for global marketing campaigns; as well as experts in controlling, reporting, sales support, tax services and many more. 

ROCKWOOL GBS teams are implementing automation, virtualization, analytics, and other digital tools into processes, while developing and deploying more efficient ways to support ROCKWOOL companies worldwide. One noteworthy example of ROCKWOOL GBS's commitment to best practices is the establishment of the Marketing SSC team. Since its inception, this team has successfully completed over 1500 tasks for more than 80 satisfied customers, achieving an impressive average customer satisfaction rating of 4.94 out of 5.

As a company rooted in Denmark, with its headquarters near Copenhagen, the Danish & Scandinavian work culture is evident even in the Poznań and Warsaw branches. Here, every employee has an active role in organizing work, can implement their ideas regardless of their position, and in addition to professionalism, there is also a calm and informal in the office. When we asked employees with the longest tenure how the company culture and work environment contributed to their continued dedication after 7 years, Dawid Wojciechowski responded: "Team work is very important to me. People that you can work with, joke with and even talk to when you are having a hard day." Similar sentiments were expressed by Aleksander Czekaj, who added: " I think company culture and management style which I am super satisfied with is key for me to stay in ROCKWOOL." Natalia Smaruj believes she had "I've been lucky to cooperate with leaders, who trust me, give me freedom, flexibility and believe in me and my skills." These aspects of the Scandinavian work model not only encourage employees to desire long-term commitment to the company but also to grow alongside it.

Looking ahead, ROCKWOOL GBS aspiration is to advance even further: both when it comes to developing processes and people. "Our efforts are dedicated into refining and optimizing our operational processes, ensuring efficiency, and maintaining the highest quality standards to add value to ROCKWOOL Group" - says Ewelina Płocieniczak, Head of ROCKWOOL GBS. Equally important, the company recognizes that people are their greatest asset. Thus, investing in their professional growth, skill enhancement, and well-being remains paramount.