Greece won the tournament EUROASMUS AND FRIENDS CUP 2019

More than 80 competitors from 8 countries and 3 continents, 16 played matches and 64 scored goals so in a nutshell may be described the subsequent 8th. edition of football tournament EUROASMUS AND FRIENDS CUP 2019.

EUROASMUS AND FRIENDS CUP 2019 - grafika artykułu

Today on Thursday, 30th May, on the football field of Ośrodek Przywodny Rataje was held the International Football Tournament EUROASMUS AND FRIENDS CUP 2019 in which played 8 teams: Vietnam, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Spain, Greece, Iran, Zimbabwe and Poland, made up of 10 international students (studying in Poznan), representing their homelands.

It was hot not just because of high temperature and clear sky, but first of all due to intense sports emotions permeating the field during the game. However, according to the slogan: We play together, we cheer together, we celebrate together!, there was a pleasant atmosphere of mutual respect and joy.

"Good organisation, good food, good music and great atmosphere. Unfortunately, competitions was a bit to high for our team, but we aren't getting discouraged and we'll surely do our best again in the next year." - Navid (Iran)

In the game for the 3rd place, in which Poland and Ukraine played against each other, after fierce two halves, the score board showed a draw 2:2. In penalty kicks, the Ukrainian team remained calmer and, in the end, they emerged victorious, taking the third place of the podium.

- We like the international character of the event, the possibility to meet new people and, first of all, how unpredictable the other teams are. It was impossible to adhere to the level of the national representation, since, in some cases, a country which, in theory is weaker on the international area, here showed high level. The best element is the possibility of integration during intermissions between matches. We will surely take part in the next edition - Łukasz (captain of the Polish team)

The final match, between teams from Greece and Spain, was not any less intense. It can be said that throughout the two 8-minute halves both teams walled up their goals, and thus after the match has ended the score board showed 0:0. The referee had to order a series of penalty kicks, in which Greek players gained the upper hand, in the end, winning 3:2.

- I like it very much. The tournament was very professionally organised. Big plus in the professional attitude of the referee, thanks to that we know that we can play freely. - Juan Diego (Spain)

The MVP of the tournament turned out to be an Ukrainian representative, Anatolii Shevchenko, in turn the best goalkeeper title went to Louis Barranco (Greece).

For many years EUROASMUS AND FRIENDS CUP has been popular among international academic community. The games, for the first time organised in 2012, on the occasion of the European Cup taking place in Poznan, for this day gather many willing participants and show that the UEFA Euro 2012 legacy is still alive. The tournament also has another important function: it integrates students from all over the world, studying in Poznan and promotes the city worldwide, thanks to the extensive coverages in the social media.

Partners and sponsors: The City of Poznan, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poznan University of Economics, Poznan Medical University, ESN UAM Poznań Association, Polish Football Association, Pacha, Pyrland Park, Gaja Poznań Hotel

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