Polish courses

On behalf of Migrant Info Point, we invite you to sign-up for a PAID Polish language course (level A1). More and more people are asking whether it would be possible for us to run new Polish language courses.

Polish courses - grafika artykułu
Polish courses

The funding for free courses has now finished, but we are now offering fee-based courses.

If you are interested in one of our two courses please register by sending an e-mail to polski@migrant.poznan.pl.


1. A course for Russian-speakers. Classes will be held for 10 weeks on Tuesdays from 18:00 to 20:30 (3 * 45 minutes + 15 minutes break) from 9 May to 11 July.

2. A course for English-speakers. Classes will be held for 8 weeks on Saturdays 11:00-14:00 (4 x 45 minutes + 2 X 15 minutes break) from May 06 to June 24 (the last classes will be shorter, 2 x 45 minutes).

The price of the whole course is 300 zł for 30 hours of classes (payment in advance). With your learning and comfort in mind, there will be a maximum of 12 people per group.

Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. When there are enough people for a group, you will receive payment information. If there are not enough students, the course will not take place.

The deadline for application is April 24, and payment needs to be made by April 30 (after receiving information from us that there is enough people). Please email us with the following details:

- first and last name,

- phone number,

- your first language

- email address (if different from the one you are writing from )

- information on which course you want to attend.

The course will be conducted by experienced Migrant Info Point teachers.

Classes will be held at MIP.