Study profile

Study profile


Bachelor in International Management in Emerging Markets

Social sciences



Poznań University of Economics and Business


International Business

Programme website,c7330/bachelor,c7332/international-management-in-emerging-markets,c9273/

3 years (6 semesters)

ECTS points


Programme description

AREAS OF STUDY - Introductory courses: Microeconomics; Macroeconomics; Quantitative methods; Fundamentals of finance; Fundamentals of marketing; Introduction to management; Fundamentals of law - Intermediate courses: Strategic management; HRM; Managerial accounting; Marketing in emerging markets; Institutions and politics in emerging markets; Entrepreneurship in emerging markets; International economic relations in emerging economies; Corporate governance; Foreign languages - Advanced courses: Doing business in emerging Asia, in emerging Europe, in emerging Africa, in emerging America; Data science; New venture creation in emerging markets; Corporate crisis management; E-business in emerging markets; Cultural diversity & customer relations; Classes in industry; Foreign languages


The required documents for Bachelor programs: · High School Diploma (legalized copy in English or Polish, i.e. sealed and signed by a Polish consul in your country or your consul working in Poland, or adjusted apostille, for candidates from countries that have signed the Hague Convention); · A statement from the Polish consul confirming that the student has the right to apply for admission to all types of higher education institutions in the country where the certificate was issued; · Certificate of English language skills - see list of language certificates below; · Entrance Medical Record (a doctor's certificate of no contraindications to study, in English or Polish); · Proof of medical support (a copy of health insurance policy or European Health Insurance Card EHIC or declaration of entering the National Health Fund immediately after commencing education in Poland); · copy of passport (page with photograph and passport number); · confirmation of admission and tuition fee payment; · copies of all the above recruitment documents.


GRADUATES The International Management in Emerging Markets program develops the skills necessary to start a career as: - a highly qualified specialist in different types of organization (a variety of businesses, non-profit organizations, public administration units, local, regional or national government) - managers of operational, financial, analytical departments in international corporations or small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operating on a national and international scale - business people, running their own firms in emerging markets

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Application deadline


Tuition, other fees applicable

5.000 PLN per semester


Center for Studies in English


Poznań University of Economics and Business Al. Niepodległości 10, building A, room 120 61-875 Poznań Poland


+48 61 854 39 05


