Portrait photo of a man with glasses looking straight ahead. Ulrich Ahle CEO FIWARE Foundation
Portrait photo of a man looking straight ahead. Sylwester Szczepaniak Information Society and Smart City Coordinator at the Union of Polish Metropolises Office
Portrait photo of a woman with glasses looking straight ahead. Lea Hemetsberger Bid & Relationship Manager DKSR
Portrait photo of a man looking straight ahead. Joe Appleton Editorial Director & Media Relations bee smart city GmbH
Portrait photo of a man with glasses looking straight ahead. Łukasz Węgrzyn Partner at Kochański & Partners
Portrait photo of a man looking straight ahead. Michał Łakomski Head of Digitalization and Cybersecurity Office at Poznań City Hall
Portrait photo of a man with a microphone. Dr hab. Eng. Aleksander Orłowski Professor at Gdańsk University of Technology
Portrait of a woman wearing glasses looking forward. Maria Andrzejewska Director General of UNEP/GRID Warsaw
A man looking straight ahead Wojciech Stramski CEO Beyond.pl
Portrait of a smiling woman looking forward. Magdalena Stachowiak Project Manager for Local Government Units in GovTech Inno_Lab Program
Portrait of a smiling woman looking forward. Michalina Łagunionok Deputy Director of the Office of Strategy and City Development at the Zduńska Wola City Hall
A man looking straight ahead Szymon Ciupa Smart City Expert
Woman looking straigth ahead Olga Dzieciątkowska Leader of the 'Community' area in Smart City Poznań
Man with glasses looking straight ahead Dr Sebastian Grabowski Expert of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications on Smart City
Woman looking straigth ahead Magdalena Hilszer Vice-president of the Board Kostrzyn-Slubice Special Economic Zone
Portrait of a smiling man looking forward. Michał Gąsior Technology project portfolio coordinator at GovTech Center.
Portrait of a smiling woman looking forward. Monika Kamińska Director of the Smart City Office- City of Białystok
A man looking straight ahead Bartosz Romowicz Mayor of Ustrzyki Dolne
Portrait of a smiling woman looking forward. Anna Aleksandrzak Poznań Mayor’s plenipotentiary for institutional relations
Portrait of a man wearing glasses looking forward. Wojciech Ciesielski Deputy Director of the Department of Information Technology, City of Łódź
Portrait of a smiling man looking forward. Thomas Mueller Managing Partner, Head of Public Sector Consulting, Marketing & Sales bee smart city GmbH
'' Prof. UAM, dr hab. Krzysztof Dyczkowski Associate professor in Department of Artificial Intelligence, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
'' Piotr Beńke Co-chairman Digital Economy Committee at American Chamber of Commerce, IBM Poland, Baltic countries and Ukraine
Portrait of a man wearing glasses looking forward. Dr Robert Pisarczyk CEO and co-founder of Oblivious
'' Victoria Itskovych First Deputy CIO of Kyiv City
'' Agnieszka Możejko Manager of research and development, innovative and social projects at Łukasiewicz - Poznan Institute of Technology
'' Dr Beata Lubos Director of the Department of International Cooperation at Łukasiewicz - Institute of Aviation
'' Marta Cudziło Deputy Director of the Logistics and Modern Technologies Center at Łukasiewicz - Poznan Institute of Technology
Portrait of a woman looking forward. Paula Warnke Data Protection Inspector at the Poznań City Hall
'' Konrad Zawadzki Founder and Director of the Poznań Contact Office
Portrait of a man wearing glasses looking forward. Dr Eng. Cezary Mazurek Director of Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC)
Portrait of a man in glasses talking through a microphone. Bartosz Szczepaniak Investment promotion specialist at the Investor Relations Department in Poznań
'' Marlene Damerau Head of the Smart City Division in Gelsenkirchen
Portrait of a smiling woman looking forward. Dr Justyna Adamska Deputy Director at Poznan Science and Technology Park
'' Dagmara Brzeziecka Specialist in the Innovation Development Team in Local Governments of the Polish Development Fund
'' Marta Kupisz Manager in the Innovation Development Team in Local Governments of the Polish Development Fund
'' Artur Pszczółkowski Expert in tokenisation/NFT
Portrait of a woman looking forward., Katja Lozina Head of the Investor Relations Department at Poznań City Hall
'' Maciej Szymkowski Senior R&D Engineer in Łukasiewicz - Poznań Institute of Technology
'' Assoc. Prof., Dr DSc Robert Wrembel Associate professor in the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications, at Poznan University of Technology
'' Magdalena Jadziewicz-Kasak Deputy Director at IT Department at Warsaw City Hall

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