Donation collection point at Poznań International Fair

On the 2nd of march, the Central Donation Collection Point for Ukraine started to operate on the grounds of the Poznań International Fair. It is located in the Hall No.4 and works from Monday to Saturday, from 10 AM to 8 PM.

Central Collection Point in Poznań, photo: Maciej Kuszela/MTP - grafika artykułu
Central Collection Point in Poznań, photo: Maciej Kuszela/MTP

Products collected at smaller, local donation points, for example - at schools or workplaces, can be brought at Central Donation Point on Poznań International Fair. Prepared products can be delivered to Hall No.4, entrance through Gate 6, directly from Bukowska Street. 

Items should be packed in such a way, that allows them to be easily separated. You can also bring donations sorted into specific categories. There are carts and volunteers on site, available to help with the unloading. 

You do not need to contact the center before bringing your donations. Only pallet deliveries (lorries, large cars) need to be pre-arranged - this is connected with the need to book a forklift from MTP. 

Here are some sexamples of goods, which you can deliver to donation point: 

  • Blankets 
  • Sheets 
  • Quilts 
  • Pillows 
  • Towels 
  • Thermal bottles/flasks 
  • Personal hygiene items: toothbrushes, toothpastes, shower gels, shampoos, soaps etc. 
  • Medical supplies: bandages, dressings etc. 
  • Washing powders or liquids, for clothing 
  • Prepared meals in jars or cans: meatballs, beans etc. 
  • Long-term products, such as rice or pasta 

It is important that the gifts - especially textiles - must be new or in very good condition. 

There is also a muncipal aid station operating at 27/29 Bukowska St., which receives products from individual donors. 

For more information about the collection points, please contact Poznań Contact Office at 61 646 33 44.