New investments for Poznań!

Interesting investment projects, support for local business, presence on new markets, or a number of real estates which will be intended for service or residential development - Investors Relations Department and the Department of Real Estate Management present their plans for 2016 year.

Last year in Poznań, 11 new investment projects appeared, with co-participation of Investor Relations Department. Companies such as Capgemini, Osram, and A.Schulman, launched their centres in the city. Under the investments, ca. 2000 new workplaces will be created.

-2015 was a very good time for us! We acquired new investors and we started interesting projects, which provide the inhabitants of Poznań with opportunities for professional development. We have equally challenging plans for 2016! - says the Deputy Mayor, Mariusz Wiśniewski.

The new year will be the time of the implementation of new investments.

-We will broaden the investment offer, support local entrepreneurs, we also plan to be present on new markets, e.g. those of China and USA. Our investors must know that they deal with a stable partner, well-prepared for running operations. This is extremely important for the creation of the image of Poznań as a city open for various entrepreneurs - explains Mayor Wiśniewski.

In 2016, Poznań will appear on fairs, conferences and other economic events in Poland and abroad. The Investors Relations Department will support local business even more under the post-investment care. There will be actions addressed particularly to the sector of the manufacturers of video games, which is becoming one of the most significant economic brands of Poland abroad.

-The Investors Relations Department is currently running negotiations on subsequent 15 investment projects. The result of the negotiations may be approximately 4000 new workplaces. An additional advantage is also the new office buildings in Poznań. BusinessGarden, Marathon, Investment "za Bramką" - are good signs for the companies which associate their future with our City - says Marcin Przyłębski, director of the Investor Relations Department.

The City shall also supervise the assessment and improvement of the already existing instruments of support for investors. Most of the activities will be implemented in cooperation with the national and Poznań partners, such as Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency, industrial-commercial chambers, associations and consulting companies.

One of the most important partners of the Investor Relations Department within the structure of the City Hall is the Department of Real Estate Management. The cooperation takes place in various fields.

-We support investment processes which influence the development of Poznań, e.g. by conducting a policy with regard to using real estates and project actions, such as: economic stimulation of riverside areas, development of the Greater Poland River Cluster Initiative, and the support of business environment - explains the director of the Department of Real Estate Management, Bartosz Guss.

The result of the policy implemented by the Department is substantial income being achieved by the City of Poznań. The revenues from real estate management can be divided into the current ones (in 2015, the income from leases amounted to 16.7 million PLN, and from perpetual usufruct - 38.5 million PLN), and the material ones, which are most often associated with one-time income to the budget. Last year, the sum of revenues of the City of Poznań and the State Treasury amounted to nearly 257 million PLN.

- Because of the potentially high interest of investors, a real estate located at the junction of ul. Podgórna, ul. Kozia and ul. Szkolna, covering the area of the former MunicipalHospital, is currently being prepared for sale. Due to the high demand for real estates intended for residential buildings, the City prepares for sale e.g. attractive areas located at Ul. Kresowa and Milczańska - informs director Guss.

It is also very important for the Department to support investors interested in the lands intended for service development. Therefore, in the offer for 2016, there are also real estates located at ul. Bułgarska.