Poznan thinks innovatively

Dynamic economic growth in Wielkopolska, in particular in Poznań, prompts investors to locate their capital in this area. And they are right, since, as it turns out, Poznań is a city where excellently qualified workforce is gaining education, the business environment is evolving and more and more people arrive. And which sector needs more employees?

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Capgemini logo

There is over 100 centres of modern business services which employ about 16 thousand persons. According to the data provided by the Association of Business Service Leaders, Poznań is the 7th business centre in Poland and 13th in Eastern Europe.

What is important is that the development of the city goes hand in hand with the development of the economy as a whole. Since the data clearly indicate that the European market still needs about 50 thousand employees in the IT professions, Poznań tries to fill this void and employs more and more IT specialists. There are generally a lot of representatives and investors of this sector in Wielkopolska, therefore Poznań, as a favourable located and dynamic city, remains open to new companies and innovative enterprises. Examples? For instance, over the last two or three years in Poznań the employment in business centres increased by nearly 6 thousand workers.

Poznań expresses the same needs as the entire European IT market searching for experts in the field of Java or Javascript programming. Currently, Java is the most popular programming language in the world, it powers lots of projects and it's not  going to be any less useful. At the moment, it is used by about 9 million programmers all around the world. Capgemini Software Solutions Center is one of Poznań companies which is continuously searching for specialists fluent in Java and Javascript languages. Until the end of the year, the Poznań branch of the company plans to increase its employment by nearly 50%. - Capgemini Software Solutios Center already has a large branch in Wrocław - said Michał Mikucki, The Director of Dyrektor Capgemini Software Solutions Center Poznań - The capital of the Lower Silesia is considered to be the Polish Silicon Valley and we would like Poznań to gain similar reputation. It's a perfect place for the development of the IT industry - the city is proud of its highly qualified graduates of universities, and more and more investors arrive here. Great air and rail connections are also not without significance.

Of course, a man does not live by Java alone - the citizens of Poznań who are interested in careen in the IT industry must be aware that, besides the knowledge of the programming language, the knowledge of foreign languages is important as well. Certainly, the trend towards searching for the employees who speak German is increasing, since there are a particularly large number of foreign investors in Poznań, including German-speaking, and the number is likely to grow. The German language is so necessary, that some companies offer language courses to their newly employed workers in order to facilitate their contacts with the customers. Michał Mikucki from Capgemini stresses out that the company will gladly employ specialists who know only the basics of the language, i.e. with the A2 proficiency, and then help them learn. We are searching for experts the in the field of programming languages, not necessarily in German- adds Mikucki - and those who we employ can count on our support in acquiring the German language skills. But apart from the language classes, we also offer a wide range of technical, industry and soft skills trainings.

But working in the IT industry is not only a income-related decision. It is also an investment in one's own development, since often the IT companies not only employ experienced specialists but also educate them. After all, many IT companies know that staff education is not just improving the quality and professionalism of the company but also a basic requirement, which the candidates increasingly pose on the employers. Foreign language lessons are one the major benefits offered to the candidates, which is equally important as e.g. the continuous technical trainings, the opportunity to work on modern projects and innovative technologies, appropriate comfort of work and work environment.