Liczba wyników na stronie

Would you like to improve your Polish? To have a conversation in a pleasant atmosphere, to learn some new words, to meet different people and to gain new, interesting experience? Then you are welcome to join the Conversation Club meetings at Migrant Info Point.

Poznań Univeristy of Life Sciences and The City of Poznań wish to invite you to the open lecture delivered by Professor Robert A.D. Cameron from the Univeristy of Sheffield (UK). The lecture (provided in English) entitled "Slugs and Snails: a SLIMY success story" will be held on March 19th, 2018 (Monday) at 1 p.m. at the Gawęcki Collegium, Wołyńska 33 in Poznań.

International Education Fair Georgia 2018 is being held in the capital of Georgia - Tbilisi. Delegation from Poznań participates in the trade and is represented by a the "Study in Poznań", Poznan University of Communication and Management, Poznan University of Technology and WSB University delegates. 

The Adam Mickiewicz University and the City of Poznań wish to invite you to another open lecture delivered by Professor Nico Schrijver from the Leiden University in the Netherlands. The lecture entitled "The Role of Non-Permanent Members on the UN Security Council. Key Players or Lame Ducks? An International Law Perspective" will be held on March 5th, 2017 (Monday) at 3.30 p.m. at the Faculty of Law and Administration in the Professor Zygmunt Ziembiński Aula of Collegium Iuridicum Novum at Al. Niepodległości 53 in Poznań.

New to Poznan? Looking for some help getting used day-to-day life in the city? Confused by the language? Looking for a friendly face? Would you like to meet regularly with a Mentor who can support you, suggest and share their own experience, or simply help you practice the language? The MIP mentoring project aims to assist newcomers in Poznan to integrate into life in the city.

More and more young people from Lithuania decide to study in Poland. In the academ-ic year 2016/2017, 802 young people from that country studied in Poland. However, Lithuanian youth most often choose to study in cities located closer to the eastern border of Poland, like Warsaw, Lublin or (a little bit further) popular Kraków. In Poznań, there is only 2.7% of the entire population of Lithuanian students who decid-ed to study in Poland.

Liczba wyników na stronie