250 high pressure specialists at a conference in Poznań

On Sunday, September 3rd, at one of the most advanced chemistry faculties in Poland, began the six-day conference - the 55th European High Pressure Research Group Meeting. The Adam Mickiewicz University hosts outstanding experts within the scope of high pressure from over ten countries.

250 high pressure specialists at a conference in Poznań - grafika artykułu
250 high pressure specialists at a conference in Poznań

The conference program envisages as many as 25 lecture sessions. The 55th European High Pressure Research Group Meeting is one of the main series of international conferences devoted to high pressure. Its participants consist of approximately 250 researchers, including such world-famous experts as professor Leonid Dubrovinsky and professor Natalia Dubrovinskaia from the Geoinstitute in Bayreuth.

"Both of them are this year's winners of the Georgi Aminoff Prize, which is granted by the Royal Swedish Academy and recognized in the environment as the crystallographic Nobel Prize. We feel honored knowing that they will participate in the conference in Poznań," emphasizes Professor Andrzej Katrusiak, the head of the organizational committee of the 55th EHPPGM conference, from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Adam Mickiewicz University.

Leonid Dubrovinsky is the one who has achieved the highest (so far) pressure in a scientific laboratory. In Poznań, for an audience larger than the conference one, he will also give a public lecture in the Auditorium of the Adam Mickiewicz University, entitled "Journey to the Centre of the Earth 150 years after Jules Verne: Science - not fiction".

"In the early 21st century, we need to admit that research in such domains as chemistry, biology, pharmacy defines the standards of welfare and better living conditions for the humanity. These science domains will also need to tackle and solve many problems of the contemporary life. We hope that the 55th EHPPGM will be an important part of this challenge," says Professor Henryk Koroniak, the dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Adam Mickiewicz University.

The conference for the Faculty of Chemistry of the Adam Mickiewicz University is organized by the Poznan Science and Technology Park of the Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation, which is one of the Polish leaders in combining science and business. This also bodes well for the success of the 55th EHPPGM conference before it even begins.