AMU hosts 72 Israeli PhD candidates

Eight AMU faculties are involved in hosting another edition of Polish-Israeli PhD workshops for 72 PhD candidates from Israel, including: Historical Studies, Political Science and Journalism, Social Sciences, Educational Studies, English, Modern Languages, Law and Administration as well as Mathematics and Computer Science.

AMU hosts 72 Israeli PhD candidates (photo: AMU) - grafika artykułu
AMU hosts 72 Israeli PhD candidates (photo: AMU)

The purpose of these workshops running until July 10th, is to prepare young Israeli scientists to launch their PhD procedure leading up to the completion of a PhD dissertation at AMU. The Israeli students work online with their Polish supervisors throughout the year and fly in to Poland once a year to take part in an intensive week of workshops and seminars.

This year's edition was kicked-off by an international conference, entitled: "A Person in a world of cultural and social change - new problems, new challenges Polish and Israeli Experiences", organized by the Faculty of Educational Studies.