News from Migrant Info Point

From the 1st of January MIP continues its activities thanks to funding from the Office of the City of Poznan, in which the MIP still will be open three days a week.

News from Migrant Info Point - grafika artykułu
News from Migrant Info Point

Besides of concultations there will be:

- 2 new Polish language courses (entries close 10.01);

- Legal advice (first duty will be on 12.01);

- Workshops with professional counseling about polish labor market;

- Consultations about starting business in Poland;

- Monthly picnics and new initiatives.

MIP adress:

Św. Marcin 78, 61-809 Poznań, room 421

MIP work hours:

Tuesday 2pm-8 pm

Wednesday 2pm-8pm

Thursday 10am-4pm

Phone (during MIP work hours):

503 979 758.