Open lecture by prof. Irina Adelgejm

The Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the City of Poznań invite you to participate in an open lecture by Prof. Irina Adelgejm. The lecture entitled "The words will save us...Novel as autotherapy, will be held on 26 October (Wednesday) 2016, at 16:00 at the seat of the Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences, ul. Mielżyńskiego 7.

Prof. Irina Adelgejm - grafika artykułu
Prof. Irina Adelgejm

Prof. Irina Adelgejm investigates Polish belles-lettres, the issues of the Polish-Russian literary relations and stereotypes, relations of languages and their psychological aspects and also deliberates on the issues of national myths. She has created a concept of "psychological language". She dedicated many of her works to the issues of Polish Romanticism and Positivism, to Polish cinema and translation theory. For her merits for the promotion of Polish prose, and, more extensively, culture, in Russia she was awarded with "Polish Pegasus" (2011) and "Gold Cross of Merit" (2013).