Open lecture:"Numerical Simulations in Engineering and Applied Sciences"

The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Transport of the Poznań University of Technology and the City of Poznań invite for an open lecture by Professor Peter Wriggers titled "Numerical Simulations in Engineering and Applied Sciences". The lecture will take place on 13.11.2023 at 1:30 p.m. in the Lecture Centre of the Poznań University of Technology, room 123 BT.

poster informing about the lecture - grafika artykułu
Prof. Peter Wriggers

Professor Peter Wriggers is a world-class researcher with extraordinary scientific and organisational achievements for the development of science and international cooperation. He is highly acclaimed and respected in Poland due to the results of his research and activities supporting the development of science and researchers in Poland.

He has the postdoctoral title of honoris causa from a number of renowned universities, including the Poznań University of Technology and he is also the laureate of numerous medals, for example "Euler Medal" of ECCOMAS and the Zienkiewicz Medal granted by the PTMKM.

Professor Wriggers is currently a retired professor at the Leibniz University in Hannover, where he held a number of significant positions, including as the director of the Institute of Continuum Mechanics and as the university's deputy-rector for science.

He is the editor-in-chief of the journals "Computational Mechanics" and "Computational Particle Mechanics". He gave more than 50+ invited lectures and was the organiser of 22 international conferences. He is the author of 14 books, e.g.: "Nonlinear Finite Element Methods" (Springer 2008, 559 pp) and 630+ articles in scientific journals.

Professor Peter Wriggers' scientific discipline consists in the mechanics of materials and constructions, and especially developing computer computational methods in this field, and in more general terms the modelling and numerical simulations of processes in engineering and applied sciences.