
Poznań is one of the largest Polish cities - a strong academic, business and market center. Over 550,000 people live here, which gives Poznań fifth place in Poland. Access to qualified staff and high quality of life in the city have a positive impact on business development, but in Poznań we also care about work-life balance.

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World-class business

Thanks to its attractive location, Poznań is a very important business center on the map of Poland. The close distance to Warsaw and to Berlin as well as the availability of qualified specialists provide opportunities for development - especially for companies from the modern business services sector and the IT industry. R&D and technologically advanced production are also priority sectors for the City of Poznań.

Volkswagen, Franklin Templeton, Bridgestone, GSK, TomTom, Nivea, Allegro and many other global brands have been operating in Poznań for years. Over the past five years, the number of centers operating in the modern services sector in Poznań has doubled. Currently, approximately 18,000 employees are employed in the BSS sector. The vast majority of Poznań's centers of modern business services deal with IT (48%) and F&A (32%) processes, and as many as nine companies service clients in at least 10 languages.

Every fifth resident of Poznań is a student!

There are 22 universities in the city, which educate over 113,000 young people. Each year the labor market is enriched by about 30,000 graduates. The offer of universities in Poznań includes about 250 fields of study, also with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) profile. First of all, there are economic and philological faculties at a very high level, but also technical and IT faculties that attract future engineers to Poznań. The scientific activities of universities are complemented by dozens of research and development institutions.

The fast growing office market

This year, Poznań has exceeded the ceiling of half a million square meters of office space, which means that it is dynamically gaining new real estate resources in different parts of the city. The Bałtyk office building in the city center has become an icon, but the Nowy Rynek complex is also growing, which creates a bridge between existing office buildings at ul. Królowej Jadwigi (Andersia, Maraton), and the planned new district of Poznań - Wolne Tory. The modern Business Garden complex is dynamically developing in the western part of the city and further Pixels are growing (the second and third buildings will be put into use in 2021 and 2022 respectively).

After very successful sales results of city's properties in 2019, which exceeded the assumed goals, the City of Poznań is promoting further plots. Sustainable development is a priority in all parts of the city, which is why revitalizations are carried out as part of the Projekt Centrum (Kolegiacki Square, St. Marcin Street, Wiosny Ludów Square, Ratajczaka, Taczaka and Garncarska Streets), and during the upcoming MIPIM fair in Cannes, areas north of Ostrów Tumski and very attractive investment areas in Łacina district  (near the Posnania shopping center) will be promoted.

High quality of life

Poznań is a real cultural center, thanks to several dozen annual events (among others: OFF CINEMA - documentary film festival, Animator - international animated film festival, or Short Waves Festival for short film fans, but also music festivals: Ethno Port Festival, Enea Spring Break and the summer festival #NaFalach). Poznań is also the host of the Malta Festival - an event gathering thousands of participants for years who experience alternative art in urban space. The city also boasts a high-quality hotel and restaurant base (500 restaurants and bars, including 60 restaurants from the Gault & Millau guide), but our real pride is green recreational areas in all parts of Poznań. The city is surrounded by four lakes that give space to fans of running, nordic walking, swimming, rowing, or simply barbecue.