
  • In 1950's scholars fought for the University to be named after Adam Mickiewicz - the famous poet. The communist government wanted to give a name of Joseph Stalin. Luckily our professors won.
  • The first woman Prime Minister of Poland (1992-1993), Madam Hanna Suchocka graduated in law at Adam Mickiewicz University.
  • 2005 Oscar for Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score, was awarded to Jan A.P. Kaczmarek for his music to Finding Neverland. Mr. Jan P. Kaczmarek graduated in law.
  • Nobel Peace Prize 2007 was jointly awarded to the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and to Al Gore. One member of that prestigious panel is Professor Piotr Tryjanowski of AMU Faculty of Biology.
  • In 2011 AMU student team (Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science) won the Game Design - Web Competition in Imagine Cup 2011 by Microsoft.