It was a warm summer evening. The gentle semi-darkness in the Poznań Parish Church is pierced by the last rays of the setting sun. The sound of footsteps from a growing crowd echoes within. Vastly outnumbered, a handful of tourists quickly blend in. Cordial greetings and hushed conversations can be heard. Faces familiar from Poznań's concert halls occasionally appear. Whispers gradually die down in the tightly packed pews. Up on the gallery, a musician takes a seat at the organ. Another "Old Town Organ Concert" is about to commence.

SOFTSWISS, an international IT company with development offices in Warsaw and Poznan, celebrated its 15th anniversary on 21 July. Over these years, the company has achieved significant successes and continues to grow actively, strengthening its position on the Polish market. This special day provided an excellent opportunity to take stock of the company's work over the past 15 years and to celebrate the key achievements that have made SOFTSWISS one of the leaders in the global online entertainment industry.

The Polish Stereoscopic Club (PKS) was founded almost two decades ago by Kasia and Borys Wasiuk. Although still relatively small, the club is growing steadily, welcoming new members from across Poland. Its members, who are buffs of 3D photography, share their insights not only online but also during National Three-Dimensional Weekends, which are outdoor events during which stunning 3D photos and films are produced.

This July, Cory Henry, alongside Adi Oasis, Jazz Band Młynarski-Masecki, and Blue Jazz Orchestra & Paulina Przybysz, will appear at Poznań' new jazz festival to be held at the Blue Note club and the Castle Courtyard.

Poznan CityLab, as a partner of the HugeThing - Booster project, supports the development and implementation of smart city solutions. This project, led by HugeThing, in the context of Poznań CityLab, is a gas pedal dedicated to supporting technology startups and innovative companies that are working on modern smart city solutions.

In a dynamically changing business world, the continuous improvement of employees is not only an added value but also a necessity. In many companies' strategic descriptions and job offers, we often come across the benefit term "development opportunities". However, this overused expression takes on a different and thoroughly positive meaning in the case of the SKF Business Centre in Poznań, which has just changed its name from SKF Financial Services to SKF Business Center as a result of its development.

The Enea Edison Festival, charmingly situated by Lake Kierskie in Baranowo near Poznań, prides itself on being unpretentious, independent, and free-spirited. Each year, it draws an ever-growing crowd of thousands of music lovers, families with children and groups of friends, all eager to gather, enjoy good company, and listen to fantastic music.

Don't miss the Summer Stage  (Scena Letnia) of the Academy of Music, featuring great music every Wednesday. Here's what's lined up for the season.

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