Dynamic economic growth in Wielkopolska, in particular in Poznań, prompts investors to locate their capital in this area. And they are right, since, as it turns out, Poznań is a city where excellently qualified workforce is gaining education, the business environment is evolving and more and more people arrive. And which sector needs more employees?

The offer of dual study programmes in Poznan established in cooperation with the employers has been extending. The graduates of dual study programmes boost their chances to become the experts in the sectors being the City's priorities and find a job without a hitch, while the companies benefit from the programmes and recruit the young employees with necessary skills and experience.

Bearing in mind the needs of entrepreneurs in Warsaw, on October 25th will take place PAIH EXPO 2018 - the First Polish Business Support Forum Abroad. The Forum will be a platform for both exhibition and education, participants will have the opportunity to learn about various forms of support for business activity and the implementation of new foreign projects, including outside Europe.

Apart from the dynamic development of the modern business services sector, there's increasingly more happening in the IT sector in Poland. New offices in Poznań have been opened this year by Sonalake and TomTom, and a Computacenter service centre is scheduled to be opened in August. No wonder that Poznań is also attracting interesting industry events for specialists and students, such as the upcoming World Computer Congress.

After 4 years, the prestigious ABSL Conference, dedicated to the modern services sector, has returned to Poznań. Poznań - the Host City of the ABSL Conference was able to present its investment potential to the representatives of companies from the sector. During the two-day conference, attended by over 1200 people, we discussed further development of the modern services sector in Poland.

Vastint Poland recently purchased the old Slaughterhouse area (Stara Rzeźnia) of almost 5.5 hectares in Poznań. The developer is planning to transform the historical city quarter into a multi-use area where places of work, apartments and generally accessible public space will be located, while maintaining the post-industrial style of the former plant. The anticipated area of the future buildings amounts to approximately 70,000 m2.

Volkswagen's accounting centre in Poznań changed its name at the beginning of 2018. AutoVision Polska has given way to Volkswagen Group Services, which directly emphasizes the company's affiliation to the entire Volkswagen Group and expands the scope of the brand's activity on Poznań's market.

A total of 120 new jobs will emerge on the market of Poznan thanks to the opening of the John Deere Business Centre. Representatives of the global leader in the field of agricultural machinery along with the Mayor of Poznan, Jacek Jaśkowiak, inaugurated the new business centre.

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