Conversation club

Good news! The conversation club meetings will be continued. Every Monday, from April 9 to May 28, at 18.00-19.15 in MIP. It is an amazing opportunity to improve your knowledge of the Polish language.

Conversation club - grafika artykułu
Conversation club

Would you like to join? Just send an email to:, put "CONVERSATIONS" in the title and provide your first and last name in the email. Applications will be accepted until April 5, please remember that the number of places is limited.

What is a conversation club?

These meetings are focused on the Polish language as well as on Poznań. Each meeting has a different theme. We invite all foreigners who speak different languages and who want to practice their Polish language skills!

If you want to:

improve your Polish language skills,

take part in an easy-going discussion,

learn new words,

meet other people and gain interesting experiences at the same time,

JOIN the Conversation Club in MIP!

See you soon!

Co-financing: Poznań City Hall