Book vending machines will be installed

The Raczynski Library has started consultations with district committees in order to choose the best locations for a new network of book vending machines. The first machines may appear this year.

Picture of big, grey book vending machine. There is a white wall in the background. - grafika artykułu
Book vending machines will be installed

In Poznan, unlike other Polish cities, book vending machines will not be placed near branch libraries, but rather in places where residents have poorer access to library facilities. Their exact location is being agreed upon with housing district committees. 

The vending machines with books are an element of the project "Artificial Intelligence in the Service of Books" financed from the Culture Programme, Measure 2 "Improving access to culture and art" under the EEA Financial Framework 2014-2021. Its aim is to develop readership in Poland by, among other things, improving competences of library staff using innovative tools in the field of new technologies, including artificial intelligence, and exchanging good practices with the partner from Norway.

The project also includes enhancing the competence of employees of public libraries and other institutions involved in the development of literature, through the use of innovative methods for selecting and purchasing novelties for libraries, cataloguing and making library resources available. Another element will be the creation of a system of literary recommendations for readers (among other things the system will use information on books borrowed and read). 

Book celebration 

Within the framework of the project it is also planned to organize a festival "People of the book". If the situation related to the coronavirus pandemic allows, the event will include meetings with authors, panels and workshops during which readers will have an opportunity to learn more about the work of people connected with books - writers, translators, illustrators, editors, publishers and literary critics.

The total cost of the project is nearly PLN 2 million, of which the amount of funding from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 - 2021 is almost PLN 1.7 million.  

The Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and Norwegian Financial Mechanism (so-called Norwegian and EEA funds) is a non-refundable form of aid granted by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein in exchange for access to the EU common market. It is used by 15 European Union countries, i.e. Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Portugal, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia, Malta and Cyprus.