Volkswagen Group Services - 5 Years On The Poznań Market

Within 5 years, the company has evolved from a branch with a 20-people team to an independent entity that currently employs over 400 workers and is planning further recruitment.

The development of Volkswagen in Poznań is very important for the entire Wielkopolska Region - grafika artykułu
The development of Volkswagen in Poznań is very important for the entire Wielkopolska Region

It's been 5 years since Volkswagen Group Services opened its first office in Poland, choosing Poznań as its headquarters. At that time, in the spring of 2016, as a branch of AutoVison GmbH, the activity of the Competence Centre in the area of accounting was inaugurated. The company employed 20 people and was located in a small office in a business centre on the Warta River.

The following years have brought further changes. A very important step was the change of the status from a branch to an independent entity and later renaming to Volkswagen Group Services. Currently, the accounting competence centre provides services to other companies from the Volkswagen group, and the number of customers is constantly growing. It cooperates, i.a. with companies from Germany, Spain, Portugal, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Slovakia, Denmark and Poland.

In addition to accounting services, the company has significantly developed the area of business services covering a wide range of activities in the field of international customer service, operations on data sets, IT services, project management, business process support and designing new solutions for logistics. The multitude and variety of services provided in this area reflect the profiles of the candidates that the firm is looking for. It employs i.a. graphic designers, project managers, buyers, IT specialists.

- Every day we work on the reputation of a reliable employer, realising that such a dynamic development and efficient organisation would not be possible without exceptional and loyal employees. We are proud to say that these are the people we employ at Volkswagen Group Services in Poznań and our new, recently launched a branch in Toruń - emphasizes Danuta Worsztynowicz, Managing Director and member of the management board at Volkswagen Group Services.

Employment at Volkswagen Group Services is an international work environment and development opportunity. In agreement with Poznań universities, it organises internship programs and conducts mentoring for students and graduates. The competence centre has not slowed down even though the challenges which the pandemic has brought. The company has opened up to new forms of work and employment. Recruitment takes place throughout the country, and work is possible from the office, online and in the form of telework.

The company cares about building friendly and sympathetic relations within the organisation and in cooperation with the client.

- Thinking and planning in a long perspective we have developed the Create + 2025 development strategy, the main pillars of which reflect the values that guide us in our daily work, such as courage, reliability, respect or acting together, not separately - adds Danuta Worsztynowicz. - As a socially responsible organisation, we engage in charity campaigns, such as Szlachetna Paczka or Poland Business Run, as well as numerous initiatives submitted by our employees - soon we will be planting a forest in cooperation with the State Forests. This is one of the forms of implementation of the GoToZero program aimed at zero CO2 emissions, which is part of Volkswagen's long-term strategy.