All Saints Church

It was designed by Antoni Höhne and built in the years 1777-86 outside the walled limits of the medieval city. In the early 19th century its elevation was covered with plaster. Until 1945 it was an evangelical church under the vocation of the Holy Cross. From 1981 it has been a parish church.
The building, made on the base of a cross, is covered with a four - tier roof. It is adjoined by the spire to the west, and the sacristy to the east. The elevation is decorated with Classicist ornaments. Over the main entrance, below the spire, there are the statues of St Peter and St Paul. The interior is covered by an elliptical dome that rests on eight pillars. Between the pillars run two - storey galleries. The late Baroque interior has elements of Classicist decoration, such as the high altar with the choir and the pulpit above it. The altar features Lord's Supper from ca. 1786 and statues of the four evangelists on the sides. Near the church there is a Baroque - Classicist house built between 1912-13 that used to be the curacy.

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