How Poznan attracts companies from the IT industry

Poznan is a good location for running an IT business because of the access to the skilled workforce, rich education offer and infrastructure. This is confirmed by the report "IT Sector Investment Potential in Poznań", prepared by ManpowerGroup for the City of Poznan.

fot. Tomasz Baumgart - grafika artykułu
fot. Tomasz Baumgart

Poznan is one of the most important business centres on the map of Poland. Both domestic and foreign companies, including those operating in the IT sector, eagerly locate their capital here. There are 115 business shared services centres in the capital of Greater Poland and 30 of them are related to the area of information and communications technologies. They employ over 8,000 employees. Companies have here access to the highly qualified workforce and attractive office space offer, as well as City's support at every step of the investment.

- In the capital of Greater Poland, we focus on modern technologies because we know how important they are for an innovative economy. The report prepared by ManpowerGroup confirms that the direction we have chosen is bringing positive results. IT employers in Poznań continue to develop, increase employment and implement new projects. I encourage you to read the report, which presents the climate of the IT market in Poznan, indicates its advantages and shows forecasts for the future - says Jacek Jaśkowiak, Mayor of the City of Poznan.

The document is based on a survey conducted among employers and employees of the Poznan IT sector. The collected data was compiled with official national and local statistics, and internal datasets of the company producing the report.

Almost 90%  of the IT companies in Poznan is planning to increase employment.

Despite the pandemic, the demand for the IT services continues to grow not only on the Polish market but also on the European one. According to the report "IT Sector Investment Potential in Poznan", due to the growing importance of all virtual activities, the IT industry is one of those which have found space for development even in times of epidemic. Therefore, it is not surprising that as many as 87% of the surveyed IT employers in Poznan intend to increase employment within a year.

One of the elements guaranteeing good conditions for business development is access to the skilled employees. There are 7 universities in the capital of Greater Poland, which educate over 12,000 students in the IT /ICT and engineering and technology fields of study. - In terms of educational offer, Poznan is a completely unique city on the scale of the entire country. As an academic centre, it is famous not only for the high education quality, but also for a wide range of study courses - mentioned in the report.

A good investment climate in Poznan is also influenced with the support offered by the City, which helps entrepreneurs even at the very first stage of investment such as choosing the location for the future office.

- We are in constant contact with employers from the IT industry and provide them with comprehensive support. In recent years, we have developed our employer branding activities for Poznań investors, and we also got involved in several sector events that took place in Poznan. In cooperation with IT companies, we have already organised two editions of the conference for specialists Pozitive Technologies. The third edition will be held in November 2021. We are aware that students of Poznan universities are appreciated on the labour market, and the IT-related community is developing very well. We believe that thanks to the exchange of experiences between business, universities and the local government, we can build the investment potential of Poznań - says Katja Lożina, Head of the Investor Relations Department.

Acquiring candidates - salaries and benefits

An important part of the report "IT Sector Investment Potential in Poznań" is the analysis of the methods of acquiring candidates. Despite the difficulties which many entities experienced in the spring of 2020, the upward trend observed in earnings in the IT industry is continuing. Moreover, the competition has intensified on some levels of experience (especially higher ones). Salaries fluctuate, depending on the position - from 4,500 PLN (Junior Manual Tester) up to 19,000 (Senior Java Developer).

In addition, although the IT industry was well prepared for lockdown and quickly adjusted to the remote work, home office is among employee benefits the most often mentioned by companies (97%).

We encourage you to read the detailed analysis of the IT industry in Poznan. The report "IT Sector Investment Potential in Poznań" is free of charge and available in Polish and English languages. Its full version can be downloaded below and on our website.

Poznan - the most dynamically developing city in Poland

Poznan, as an investor-friendly city, has been rewarded many times. In April 2021, during the annual CEE Business Services Summit&Awards 2021 conference, the city of Poznan has won in the category of "the most dynamically developing city in Poland".

In the ranking "the Pearls of the Local Government 2020" prepared by the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna Poznan has received the prestigious title of the "Leader of good practices" in the category "Work". The jurors appreciated the City's activities connected with attracting and retaining of the highly qualified specialists, and building the image and promotion strategy of the city based on the development of IT industry.

Moreover, the City of Poznan became the winner of the Smart City Competition in the category "The cities above 500 thousand residents." The jury awarded the capital of Greater Poland for its implementation of the idea of a smart city, the use of innovative solutions and effective resource management, and developing the strategy of the life quality improvement in the field of transport, infrastructure, energy, spatial planning and the environment.

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