Smart City 2021 in review

As every year at this time, it is worth returning for a moment to the challenges we faced, the projects we managed to implement and inspiring events and meetings in which we were able to participate. Below is a summary of Smart City Poznan Team activities in 2021.

City hall building on the old market square, sky and clouds in the background - grafika artykułu
Smart City 2021 in review

Projects and Pilots

Since November, residents have been able to use a new version of the Smart City Poznań App, which provides users with news and allows them to report issues requiring the intervention of city services as well as their ideas on city development. Another improvement in communication between the city and the resident has been the Voicebot created by the Poznań Contact Office. It speeds up access to city information without leaving home, around the clock and with immediate response. The offer of e-services was extended by the Friendly declarations (Przyjazne Deklaracje) - new and innovative, thanks to which residents will settle their taxes in Poznań quickly, easily and efficiently. Another e-service is the ability to purchase a resident's parking badge without leaving home or printing more materials. The appointment booking service at the City Hall has been improved. The new layout of the website allows the display of cases by department and subject.  This has been developed in the form of intuitive tiles with icons, making it even easier for residents to make appointments. As far as city websites are concerned, the English and Ukrainian versions of have been updated. Inhabitants and tourists will conveniently find information related to the functioning of the City Hall or news on interesting events in Poznań. Poznań City Hall supports the plain language movement and its employees strive to simplify communication with citizens. This is why a series of training sessions was followed by a special guide. As part of Poznań City Lab, workshops and public consultations "Hulaj przepisowo" were held twice, as part of safe development of micromobility in urban space. As part of a pilot project carried out by the Municipal Road Administration, a car equipped with special cameras and sensors controlling parking fees in the paid parking zone entered Poznań streets. The 3D map in the Spatial Information System of the City of Poznań was enriched with new layers, e.g. digitalization of the greenery in the city, including the map of tree heights and the inventory of parks.  

Local and international cooperation

The cooperation with Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC) resulted in two programs this year in which Poznan was selected as a casestudy among several European cities: the JRC Elise Initiative and ESPON DIGISER. Both programmes focus on the analysis of regional and local innovations, in particular in the sector of digital governance and public service delivery.
As part of the Intelligent Cities Challenge, we have already entered the third phase of this project, implemented by the European Commission. During this time, thanks to the cooperation with the content partner Capgemini, public participation workshops, UX studies of city websites and a series of meetings and workshops with the network of participating cities have been carried out.
At the invitation of the Eurocities organization, the Smart City team participated in a study visit to Barcelona, implemented by the City Council and Barcelona Activa. The team also participated in the biggest European event - Smart City Expo Barcelona.
Supporting the development of modern mobility, a letter of intent was signed between the City of Poznan and a Poznan-based startup take&drive. The purpose of this agreement is to implement the concept of MaaS (Mobility as a Service).
An important moment was the creation of the Digitalization and Cybersecurity Office which runs and coordinates the functioning of the information services of the Office, their integration and development and also defines the principles and guidelines for the construction of cyber security in the city.  


The City of Poznań was awarded the Wings of IT in Administration. The jury appreciated the City Hall for the design and implementation of Smart City Poznań application, awarding it in the category "Tools for communication with citizens". The award is granted for raising Polish e-government to the highest level.  
The solutions used by the City of Poznań in the implementation of the smart city concept have been recognized against the measures applied by other cities in Central and Eastern Europe. The publication "Evaluation of the Smart City Implementation in the Visegrad Group Countries" distinguishes the Smart City Poznań application and the Totupoint initiative.    
Poznan also won the title of "Commune for 5!" and "Golden Commune for 5!" awarded by the Warsaw School of Economics. This year's edition of the Forum of Municipalities in 5! conference was aimed at disseminating good practice of local government in cooperation with businesses, investors, tourists and residents with the use of modern technologies.


In cooperation between the city and the WCWI company, the second edition of the Smart City Wielkopolska conference was organized. The main objective of the event is to exchange inspiring solutions and ideas that create the cities of the future, as well as to deepen cooperation between cities in our region.    
Conferences, where you could hear about Smart City Poznan:  

  •     Impact'21  
  •     Smart City Forum  
  •     Pozitive Technologies  
  •     Poznan Fair of Good  
  •     Smart City Expo Barcelona  
  •     Neighbourhood Inspirations  
  •     Urbis Smart City Fair Brno  
  •     LocalTrends - European Forum for Local Governments  

Together we create a smart city!  

Olga Dzieciatkowska