Find a tree on the map of Poznań

The 3D map of Poznań was recently updated by a new function - visualisation of data from tree database. With it's new options, we are able to find the exact species of trees catalogued in Poznań.

The photo shows a visualization of a three-dimensional map of the city of Poznań. - grafika artykułu

The data about greenery was collected with extensive usage of laser scanning technology. The process of acquiring it for Spatial Information System was carried out by Geodesy and City Cadaster Board GEOPOZ. 

The objects have attributes that define, among others: species (Polish name), species (Latin name), height, stem girth, inventory method, and soon other data.

The information comes from GEOPOZ's own materials, as well as from other municipal units that have greenery inventory documentation at their disposal. The data is updated almost daily, and the objects from the layer can be exported using the 3D model download tool. So far, more than 11,000 trees have been inventoried in the city.

To use the maps more efficiently, the following step-by-step steps are described in polish.

Link to SIP map:

Link to 3D map of Poznań:

Olga Dzieciatkowska