Economic activity

If you have an idea for a business and motivation, it is time you set up your own business. But before going into formal and legal procedures leading to establishment of your own company - some basic information, "by way of introduction".
We hope that this publication will be a hint at the steps to be taken and will dispel any possible doubts...

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Economic activity means any gainful production, construction, trade and service activity, prospecting, detection and extraction of ore from deposits, as well as professional activity pursued in an uninterrupted and organised manner. An entrepreneur means a natural or legal person or an organisational entity not being a legal person, who has legal capacity and pursues economic activity in its own name, which shall be reported by the entrepreneur to an appropriate registerat
the latest on the day of commencement of such activity. Depending on the legal status assumed, the entrepreneur shall report undertaking of business activity to: CENTRAL REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION ON BUSINESS run by Ministry of Economy, or Register of Entrepreneurs operated by the National Court Register - legal persons and other organisational entities.

This guide is mainly addressed to the natural persons who intend to launch economic activity in Poznań - both as sole traders and civil law partners.

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