A new employer in the BPM sector in Poznań

Recruitment for financial and accounting positions at Infosys Poland, which has been developing its team in Poznań for six months, is underway. Specialists with knowledge of foreign languages ​​are sought.

A new investor in the modern business services sector - grafika artykułu
A new investor in the modern business services sector

Infosys Poland has been operating in Poland for almost 15 years and is a leading provider of outsourcing, consulting, IT and technology services, and one of the largest employers in the service sector in our country. The company is part of Infosys Limited - an international giant in the market of modern business services. The Polish branch has branches in Łódź, Kraków and Wrocław, and from December 2020 also in Poznań, where the company's headquarters is located in the very center of the city (Andresia Business Center building).

The main areas in which Infosys specializes are: tax services, business data management, financial, accounting and purchasing services, business transformations, support for logistics processes and risk management.

New job offers

Infosys Poland employs 2,300 highly qualified specialists from 64 countries. All this to provide daily services to over 29 clients in 26 languages. About 260 people are currently working in the center in Poznań. At the same time, a large recruitment is also carried out - the company is looking mainly for specialists in the field of finance and accounting, with knowledge of foreign languages.

For more information about Infosys Poland and the ongoing recruitment, please visit https://www.infosysbpm.com/poland/ and follow Infosys Poland's social media: