Prof. Roy Ascott (UK) 10.11.2012

City of Poznań and Adam Mickiewicz University are pleased to invite you to attend a lecture delivered by ICT art pioneer, world-renowned media theorist - professor Roy Ascott.

Lecture "Art and Technoetic Evolution' will be held on November 10, 2012 at 1:00 pm. in the Śniadeckis Hall in Collegium Maius, 10 Fredry Street.

Professor Roy Ascott is one of the most important contemporary theorists of the media, biotechnology, information theory and a pioneer of ICT in art.

Starting from the 60s of twentieth century, professor is consistently developing the applicability of the latest information and communication technologies in the arts, humanities and social sciences. He conducts advanced research on possibilities of communication, but he is also engaged in ethics in research carried out by means of modern technology (technoetics and bioethics).

Roy Ascott is an author of many pioneering and innovative academic curriculum combining modern design with the scientific achievements, including biotechnology, information theory, consciousness and perception. Prof. Ascott's last exhibition was opened at the Shanghai Biennale in 2012. He is a creator of the Planetary Collegium (Plymouth University), also an academic member in Beijing DeTao Masters Academy in China.

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